Demonstrations, information... Find us on YouTube !


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Many of you enjoy reading our articles, especially those in the FIND OUT category.

Your favorite ? Our article on the extrusion process.

But do you know what's even better than an article? A video, of course!

Our YouTube channel offers quick and easy access to answer your questions or simply keep you informed. You'll find demonstration videos of our solutions, such as the one where we show how our SQMF device scans defects on wires. You can also watch explanatory videos like "How to clean your LDS optics ?" or presentations on how our solutions work and the different steps involved. For example, the video on measuring diameter and ovality with the LDS and our WSR rotation accessory.

This channel is also a way to keep you informed about the release of our new devices. We regularly upload content that showcases the latest innovations and developments at CERSA-MCI. Moreover, you can get to know the people behind our technology through the corporate video.

We are also preparing new videos to help our customers with the maintenance and setup of their devices. These upcoming tutorials will provide practical advice and detailed instructions to ensure your equipment operates smoothly and efficiently. From routine maintenance tips to comprehensive setup guides, our goal is to make it easier for you to get the best performance from your devices.

To be notified of every new video release, subscribe to our channel. Don't miss out on any updates! And for even more information, follow us on LinkedIn.

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To access directly to all the channel's videos : click here

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